Accessibility - Good healthy recipes for family
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Accessibility is a fundamental aspect of our website, ensuring that all users, regardless of ability, can enjoy our content without barriers. We’re dedicated to creating an inclusive online environment where everyone feels welcome and can easily access the information they need.

Our Commitment

At our website, accessibility isn’t an afterthought – it’s a core principle that guides everything we do. We’re committed to adhering to the highest standards of accessibility, striving to meet and exceed the Level AA standards outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. While we currently meet the majority of these standards, we’re continuously working to enhance our platform to ensure full compliance.


Our website incorporates a range of features designed to enhance accessibility for all users:

Semantic Regions: Each page is structured with semantic regions for navigation, main content, and footer, allowing users to navigate quickly and efficiently. Additionally, a “Skip to main content” link is provided on every page for added convenience.

Headings: Stories begin with an h1 heading, and headings throughout the site follow a logical order to assist users in understanding the content hierarchy.

Zoom Capability: Users can zoom in up to 300% without encountering any issues, ensuring that content remains readable for individuals with visual impairments.

Color Contrast and Navigability: Design elements have been optimized to improve color contrast and navigational clarity, enhancing the user experience for all visitors.

Ad Accessibility: Advertisements on our site feature accessible labels, and we do not hide content for users employing ad blockers. We also encourage our advertising partners to include captions for sponsored videos, further enhancing accessibility.

Newsletter Subscription Forms and Social Sharing: These features have been optimized for usability, ensuring seamless interaction for all users. Additionally, when sharing stories containing images with alt text, the text alternatives are transmitted to platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Testing Procedures

To ensure the accessibility of our platform, we employ rigorous testing procedures, including:

  • Browser Compatibility: We conduct testing in modern browsers to verify compatibility.
  • Screen Reader Testing: We utilize VoiceOver in Chrome and Safari to review our sites, with plans to expand testing to include NVDA and additional screen reader software in the future.
  • Automated Accessibility Tests: We’re developing a suite of automated accessibility tests to identify and address any potential issues efficiently.

Future Improvements

While our website currently provides a high level of accessibility, we’re continually striving to make further improvements, including:

  • Site Navigation Enhancements: We’re working to optimize site navigation for improved accessibility.
  • Contact Form Accessibility: Efforts are underway to ensure that all contact forms on our site are fully accessible.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Some elements may not currently follow the expected order when navigating via keyboard, and we’re actively addressing this issue.
  • Accessibility of Embeds and Third-Party Content: We’re working to ensure that all embedded content and third-party elements have accessible names.
  • Text Legibility: We’re exploring ways to improve text spacing for enhanced legibility, particularly for users with visual impairments.

In addition to these technical improvements, we’re collaborating with content creators to ensure that all new stories are accessible to individuals with disabilities. This includes providing alternative text for images, captions for videos, transcripts for podcasts and audio files, text descriptions for ads, and options to reduce motion in ads and interactive stories.

Stay Updated

We’re committed to transparency regarding our accessibility efforts. As we continue to enhance our platform, we’ll keep you informed of our progress through updates on our website and the blog. We invite you to follow along with our journey towards a more inclusive online experience for all users.

If you encounter any accessibility issues or have suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at The Contact Email.

Thank you for joining us on our mission to make the web a more accessible place for everyone. Together, we can create a truly inclusive online community.
