Anti-Racism Pledge - Good healthy recipes for family
Welcome to our culinary haven! Explore nutritious recipes to elevate your culinary journey.

Anti-Racism Pledge

At our website, we believe that food brings people together and that everyone should feel welcome and valued in our community. We are committed to fostering an environment of inclusivity, respect, and celebration of diversity. Our Anti-Racism Pledge outlines our dedication to combatting racism and promoting equality in all aspects of our platform.

This website is more than just a food and recipe website; it is a vibrant community of individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a passion for food and cooking. We recognize that diversity is one of our greatest strengths and that everyone’s unique perspectives and experiences enrich our community.


Core Values:

  1. Inclusivity: We believe that everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic, deserves to feel included and respected in our community. We actively work to create an environment where all voices are heard and valued.
  2. Equality: We are committed to promoting equality and dismantling systemic barriers that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. We strive to ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources within our community.
  3. Celebration of Diversity: We celebrate the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and traditions of our community members. We believe that sharing and learning from each other’s experiences fosters mutual understanding and appreciation.


Actions We Are Taking:

  • Content Review and Editing: In 2024, we initiated a comprehensive review and editing process of our content to identify and eliminate any instances of bias, racism, or cultural appropriation. This includes scrutinizing language around race, gender, sexual orientation, and colonialism to ensure that our content is inclusive and respectful.
  • Representation: We are committed to ensuring that our contributors, featured cooks, recipes, and stories reflect the diversity of our community. We actively seek out and feature voices from underrepresented groups, including people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
  • Diverse Hiring Practices: We recognize the importance of diversity in our team and actively recruit individuals from diverse backgrounds to join our staff, freelance pool, and ambassador program. By fostering a diverse workforce, we ensure that diverse perspectives are reflected in all aspects of our platform.
  • Inclusive Programming: We are dedicated to ensuring that our video and voice programming feature a diverse range of voices and perspectives. Whether it’s cooking tutorials, podcasts, or video series, we strive to represent the richness and diversity of our community.


Continual Improvement:

We acknowledge that our work towards creating a more inclusive and anti-racist community is ongoing. We are committed to listening to feedback from our community members and continually evaluating and evolving our practices to better serve the needs of all individuals.

At our website, we believe that everyone has a role to play in creating a more inclusive and equitable society. By taking concrete actions to combat racism and promote diversity and inclusion within our community, we hope to inspire positive change both online and offline.

Together, we can build a community where everyone feels welcome, valued, and empowered to share their love of food and cooking. Join us in our commitment to creating a more just and inclusive world—one recipe at a time.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.
